Animated equations on the web: Part 2

I got around to working on animated equations on the web again, just out of sheer procrastination and refusal to do the things I should actually be doing.

Here’s my idea:

  • Convert LaTeX to HTML using katex βœ…
  • For each equation, generate a diff of the dom between the current and the next βœ…
  • Generate the transition dom between the current and the next, using revealjs to animate.

So far, I’ve gotten to the diff part, and the only thing left is to assemble the transition, but my brain is fried from work, so I’m taking a break for now.

diff between DOM

Side note, I am really loving my Astro setup. Each entry is essentially its own playground with my own vanilla JS just running, so I wrote code above literally inside this entry as I was writing it.